mercredi 18 août 2010

The musical card...

...ding ding...ding ding...
She felt like her heart was about to fly away....she put on her slippers very quickly and went down the stairs....she saw her mother shutting the door already...she tried to be calm and asked:
“Who was that?...”
“The postman...”
“And what did he bring to us...?”
“The usual....”
She went back to her room, prattling…“Damn dad’s letters!! All we get of him is a bunch of boring stuff...puff”.
She got into her room, threw her slippers and ran to her bed...she lied on her back and kept staring at the roof...she can see only one picture...a haunting's beautiful, but she hates it...because she can't see anything else...
She is beginning to believe now…and she understood why her mother was always shouting…“I know that I could never trust you…”
But, between her parents, there have been always problems…and we can easily find an excuse for her father, and may be make one if necessary…the two of them are in a mutual fight, and “enemies” can’t, eventually, trust each other…
And in her case, is there any fight…? Any misunderstanding….any unsolved problems…even solved problems don’t …at least for her…
And what about him? ...she doesn’t remember anything of him being angry with her…even the goodbye wasn’t that warm, neither that cold…she could never know what’s in his mind …
She was thinking…”May be he is busy…”, and she smiled for this thought …“No, he is too lazy to be busy”...
“Could he be that lazy for sending a card…All I am asking for is a little musical card, not even a letter, it would be too much effort for him…”
And suddenly…she got up…she sit on the side of the bed, her eyes wide open…and said loudly :
“what if…??? No way…I’ll kill him…I swear…”
And she went all in tears…she feels like she is becoming crazy…but she can’t do anything for that…she can’t even hold her tears…
“what am I…a child? How can a simple thought make me cry like that!!!!!”
“but it’s not that simple…because if it was true…I know…my life ends right here!!!”
She was spending all her days and nights that way: thinking…dreaming…doubting…she was talking to herself almost all the time, sometimes she laughs, and sometimes she cries…till that day…

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